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V8 Magnum huh? How about that? The stupidity of some people amazes me
Just an overall poser trying to pass off his old cavalier as cool. Notice the Auto-Zone seat covers, Red wipers, and fake clear corners.
This is actually just sorta funny, Calvin pissing on a ford sign on a ford.
Just a really bad neon setup. Normally I wouldn't post something like this but they guy who owns it is such a hot-shot that he inspired me to.
A Grand Cherokee with a fart can, taken outside the Murray's in Rochester. Taken by my friend Kris who works there.
Hideous taillights, SIR badge, extremely large rear-window banner, potato cannon. All the ingredients needed for a traditional rice-mobile. And it's for sale too!
Fake hood scoop, crap over headlights. Also notice that the instrument shroud is missing. The owner had taken it off to paint it some hideous color and somehow either melted it or broke it, I forget which.
This guy cruises woodward alot thinking he's the shit. It's not a real cobra and yes those are "altezzas" he has. He also appears to be a friend of the famous Mustang GTR that we have cruising around as they are often seen together.
This truck is just plain riced out. He also had clear tails, but I couldn't get them and his "badass" green tint and the little dangly things he has on his window all in one picture together. This is the typical variety of rice seen up in the Lake Orion/Clarkston area.